What is Singing Bowl?
Singing Bowl is a tool for meditation to relieve stress and anxiety. There are seven different charkas in human body. These chakras may be sometimes blocked due to stress, loss, negative emotions. Singing bowl can be use to reopen these chakras. Blocked chakra can often lead to illness hence singing bowl serves as a tool to open/ heal the blocked energy through sound.
What is Singing Bowl made of ?
The seven metals and their planetary associations are
- Gold (Sun)
- Silver (Moon)
- Copper (Venus)
- Iron (Mars)
- Tin (Jupiter)
- Mercury/Quicksilver (Mercury)
- Lead (Saturn)
What is Singing Bowl used for ?
“If we accept that sound is vibration and we know that vibration touches every part of our physical being, then we understand that sound is heard not only through our ears but through every cell in our bodies. One reason sound heals on a physical level is because it so deeply touches and transforms us on the emotional and spiritual planes. Sound can redress imbalances on every level of physiologic functioning and can play a positive role in the treatment of virtually any medical disorder.”
Dr. Mitchell Gaynor, director of Medical Oncology and Integrative Medicine, the Cornell Cancer Prevention Center in New York
There are so many benefits of Singing Bowls:
- Reduce stress and anxiety
- Lower anger and blood pressure
- Improve circulation and increases blood flow
- Deep relaxation
- Chakra balancing
- Increase mental and emotional clarity
- Promote stillness, happiness and well being. Stimulate the immune system.
- Aid the immune system and fibromyalgia and psoriasis in individuals that meditate.
Where is it made?
All the Singing Bowl in Lucky Thanka is purely hand beaten and made from Nepal.
Beaten or hand hammered singing bowls are made by complete hand hammering process. In beaten singing bowls, every single singing bowl are carefully hand beaten which requires several processes to finish up and shaping into a perfect hand hammered singing bowl.
In the making process, first the various composition of metals as raw materials (Copper, Tin, Zinc, Iron, Lead, Gold and Silver) are melted into furnace depending on manufacturing needs such as for bronze singing bowl or for seven metal singing bowl making. The hot melted metal are taken from furnace and poured into a Gulli Cup or Dice to prepared metal mould for the various size and weight. Then, the round metal gulli or moulds are taken to make rolling and turn into round metal sheet in needed size and thickness. After that, the sheet are brought for the hand beating or hammering process after precise measurement and categorized for weight and sized bowls.
Regarding hand hammering process of singing bowls making, 4 -5 round metal sheets are piled up one upon another and then heated to red hot burn. The red hot burned metal sheets are hammered from a group of expert artisan till the heat remains in metal, and again processes to red heating for continuous beating for the singing bowl shaping. This heating and beating process with the bundled and piled up metal sheets continues until a desired shape and size forms from a metal sheet. (That is why the hammered or beaten singing bowls will get proportionately difference in a size centimeter with each individual singing bowl).
In hammering process of these singing bowls, the metal sheet must hammer and beating on the time of red hot only which remains softness and flexibility on the metal, this is because as the metal getting colder, will loose its softness and flexibility which in turns tampered and gets hardness on metal, and thus breaks metal or bowl if done hammered. The reason behind this working process is the metal content Bronze or Seven Metal mixture is very sensitive to heat and gets harder if it looses it hot temperature and will have cracks and breaks if works. So in this shaping stage of hammered singing bowls, the makings are done with the duration of hot metal only.