Endless Knot Thangka

The Endless or Glorious Knot

Endless Knot depicts the nature of reality where everything is interrelated and only exists as part of a web of karma and its effect. Having no beginning or end, it...
Lotus Flower Symbol in Tibetan Thangka Painting

The Lotus Flower

The lotus flower is an eminent symbol of Buddhism. Most statues and sculptures of the Buddhas and bodhisattvas are portrayed to sit in a meditative posture on a platform of...
8 auspicious symbol thangka

8 Auspicious Symbol

Buddhism started as early as 6th BCE, when Siddhartha Gautama began preaching his teachings of suffering, enlightenment and rebirth in Nepal. Siddhartha himself was antagonistic to accept images of himself,...
Thangka History from Nepal

Thangka History

History of thangka Paintings in Nepal began in 11th century A.D. when Buddhists and Hindus began to make illustration of the deities and natural scenes. Historically, Tibetan and Chinese influence...
Tagged: Thangka
Thangka Brocade explanation

How to hang a border thangka

 Not every thangka will exhibit all these parts. For example, many do not contain the “door” in the lower part of the brocade mounting. Assuming your thangka has the standard...
Tagged: Thangka
Buddha Thangka Sketch

About Thangka Art

Tibetan Thangka is a Nepalese art form exported to Tibet after Princess Bhrikuti of Nepal, a daughter of King Lichchavi and a wife of Sron Tsan Gampo. Generally, a Thangka is a Tibetan...
Tagged: Thangka